Pants: An Interview with Archie Templar


This week the Comic Cast meets up with Mr. Archie Templar, an independent comic artist based in Dublin. We dicuss his comics From the Pants of Archie Templar and his recently released foray into prose writing (with illustrations) From the Desk of Archie Templar: In Articulo Mortis. We also get the skinny on a plethora of Templars’ forthcoming comics, including From the Heart of Archie Templar: The Comic Book of Love, Guns, Girls and the Facts of Life and Hibernia 16/31, an alternative history set in 1931 in an Ireland where the 1916 Rising was successful. Barmy.

Download Link: The Comic Cast 11/08/09

Show Links:

Archie Templar (the online home of Mr. Templar)

PC LIVE! Top 10 Podcasts (hit play, skip to 7.08)

Audioview (the radio show for the blind and not for the deaf)

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11 Comments on “Pants: An Interview with Archie Templar”

  1. Oy! I’ll have you know i’m VERY hungry.

    Really enjoyed the interview. Archie’s the man.

  2. Oh yeah, and ye’re not the only irich comic book podcast anymore…

  3. Stephen Mooney Says:

    ‘I’ve met declan Shalvey, and he’s not starving’

    Low blow lads.

  4. thecomiccast Says:

    We’ve been aware of Sunnyside Comics for sometime now, Dec, and we’re preparing for battle . . . or if worst comes to worst we’ll just say we’re the REPUBLIC of Ireland’s #1 Comics Podcast.

    Cheers Mooney. We like to keep the insults below the belt.


  5. Andrew Says:

    “Intelligent manner”? No. 3 behind This American Life and TED is pretty good going. Congrats!

  6. thecomiccast Says:

    You know it Andrew. We’ve three degrees between us. 😉


  7. thecomiccast Says:

    You’ve obviously never been in Copperface Jacks.

  8. Luke Says:

    ohh no you dih-int!

  9. […] indy cartoonist Archie Templar speaks to the folks at The Comic Cast […]

  10. Papa Hotel Says:

    Great interview. Diggin the artwork Archie – you’re a goddamn superstar boy!

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